The Montauk Hat project was a WordPress website for a custom hat manufacturer out of Malibu, CA. We built their website, and developed many custom solutions in the process.
Our web design and development process has Search Engine Optimization (SEO) infused in each step of the process from the first day of the project. We do this so that we ensure local SEO is deeply ingrained, and that each team member keeps the SEO implications in the forefront of their mind.
For WordPress, we use the Gravity Forms plugin to fulfill the majority of our form-based needs. We initially setup a Gravity Form that would accept file uploads, for the sole purpose of providing things like logos, graphics and photos. Once uploaded, all of those files are being sent to Google Drive.
We discovered this problem while building a previous client’s website, and we developed this custom API for them. We were able to rework our custom API for them, and make it work for Montauk Hat. For the Google Drive API, we created a custom integration API that will do the following:
The code for this custom integration API is located in GitHub, and the API itself was deployed to a cloud hosting solution and we setup a custom domain for the client’s “middleware” integration API.
This client had a need to leverage advanced quote forms. The base problem is that the visitor may want the custom product for the page that they are visiting, but they also may want some of the other products. So, it’s best to capture everything for a proper quote.
There are plenty of gallery plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. Nearly all of them are just images. The solution that we needed here, is that the gallery image needs to be linked to a product page. So, when a user clicks on the image, they are taken to the product page that it matches.
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